Grandview Children’s Foundation | Grandview Kids
Smiling young girl

Grandview Children’s Foundation

Helping Kids Live Their Best Life

Thank You!

Thank you to our caring community of donors who continue to believe in Grandview Kids. The donations that we received helped us to evolve the way we support our families throughout the pandemic. Last year, our donors helped the Grandview Children’s Foundation raise a total of $2,202,192 to support Grandview Kids today and tomorrow.

Our Believe Campaign

Grandview Kids’ new facility will help to address current infrastructure challenges and allow us to serve Durham’s children and youth in a fully accessible, therapeutic and innovative environment equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Every gift that comes into the Foundation makes a meaningful impact, and we are so grateful for the incredible generosity that our partners have shown in supporting this campaign.

It continues to be an exciting time as we gain momentum toward our $20 million campaign goal within our region. We’ve already raised $17  million to support our community’s portion of this government-funded project. Together with caring friends, we can ensure that we help unstoppable Grandview kids to live their best life.

Creating more possibilities together for children and youth.

“The early intervention my son received at Grandview really helped him, and today, he’s in college, living in residence and on the honour roll. Now that he’s graduating, we are able to give back to the place where we got everything we needed.” 

Debbie, Grandview Parent

“I think it’s wonderful what you do here. The young people that you can do these good things for . . . these are kids who really need it.” 

Ross Mackie, Local Businessman

“Grandview is an incredibly special place. Once you walk in, you can see the kids and families working so hard to reach their goals . . . it’s hard to not want to do everything you can to help.” 

Debbie, Grandview Parent

Rudra’s Journey

For many years, Grandview Kids has followed the progress of one incredible Grandview Kid, Rudra. Today, Rudra is seven-years-old and loves video games, gardening, learning about the solar system, and playing with his new kitten. He’s been doing online school since the pandemic began in March 2020, and is looking forward to returning to school in September 2021.

A diagnosis of arthrogryposis, which limits the range of motion and function of his legs, means that Rudra has been in physiotherapy at Grandview Kids since he was very young. As Rudra has grown, he has become a bit more self-conscious about his physical differences. Rudra recently told his mom, Monjuri, that he is “jealous of the legs of his friends, because they can do anything they like”. 

The many months at home have meant that Rudra has been sitting more, which isn’t a weight-bearing activity he needs. To counter-act this change, he’s been using a stander for a few hours a day, which puts him into a standing position in front of his computer screen. Rudra is also in consultation for a potential surgery on his knees in the near future, which would be extremely beneficial to his movement. This possibility is bringing Monjuri a lot of hope for the future. 

Throughout the pandemic, Rudra is continued to be supported by his Grandview Kids physiotherapist through virtual appointments and discussions with Monjuri to help answer any questions. Monjuri also stays connected with other Grandview Kids parents using the OPS Facebook page, which she finds very helpful when trying to learn how to do new things.

Smiling young boy
Smiling young boy

For Rudra, Grandview Kids has always been a safe place where people have time for him, listen to him, and encourage him. “He’s been coming to Grandview Kids since he was only one-year-old,” says Monjuri. “He really trusts everyone at Grandview, because they know the best, and safest way, to help Rudra achieve his goals.”

Catch a glimpse of Rudra’s journey as a Grandview Kid on our YouTube Channel

Smiling young boy

He’s being coming to Grandview Kids since he was only one-year-old,” says Monjuri. “He really trusts everyone at Grandview, because they know the best, and safest way, to help Rudra achieve his goals.”


We send our thanks to all the caring individuals, businesses and organizations whose contributions changed lives and made so much possible in 2020/2021. You helped Grandview kids move, play, learn, communicate and connect in ways their families never dreamed possible throughout one of our most challenging times yet.